18 June 2023
OECD/G20 project on the taxation of large corporate groups
Yes 78,5%
Climate Act
Yes 59,1%
COVID-19 Act
Yes 64.9%
25 September 2022
Popular Initiative ‘Say no to factory farming in Switzerland’
No 62.9%
Supplementary financing of OASI
Yes 55.1%
Reform of Old Age and Survivors’ Insurance (AHV 21)
Yes 50.6%
Amendment to the Federal Act on Withholding Tax
No 52%
15 May 2022
Amendment of the Film Act
Yes 58.4%
Amendment of the Transplantation Act
Yes 60.2%
Adoption of EU Regulation on the European Border and Coast Guard
Yes 71.5%
13 February 2022
Popular Initiative 'Yes to a ban on animal and human experiments – Yes to research that brings safety and progress'
No 79.1%
Popular Initiative ‘Yes to protecting children and young adults from tobacco advertising (No tobacco ads for children and young adults)’
Yes 56.7%
Amendment of the Federal Act on Stamp Duty
No 62.6%
Federal Act on a Package of Measures to Support the Media
No 54.6%