Federal Department of Foreign Affairs FDFA
The FDFA Helpline is available around the clock to answer your questions about consular services and to assist you in an emergency abroad.
The FDFA safeguards Switzerland's foreign policy interests. It maintains relations with other states and international bodies such as the EU and the UN. It provides services for Swiss citizens abroad. The FDFA is also responsible for Switzerland's development cooperation and humanitarian aid. There are around 170 Swiss representations around the world.
Member of the Federal Council since 2017.
Peace is never a given, you have to build it, from day to day.
The armed conflicts in Ukraine and the Middle East, as well as in many other parts of the world, show how important security, peace and stability are. Switzerland works actively to uphold these principles, for example through its good offices, and contributes its expertise to the UN Security Council in the search for sustainable solutions. At the same time, the Confederation supports specific local projects, for example humanitarian demining in Ukraine, which is a key prerequisite for Ukraine’s recovery. Switzerland will host an international conference on humanitarian demining in Geneva in autumn 2024.
As a country at the heart of Europe, Switzerland is committed to a stable security architecture on the European continent. To this end, it is in close dialogue with its European partners. A prerequisite for stability is a strong economy. This is why the further development and stabilisation of Switzerland’s bilateral agreements with the EU, by far its most important trading partner, is a priority for the Federal Council.
The Federal Council will soon adopt and begin to implement its Foreign Policy Strategy 2024–27. The strategy aims to position Switzerland in a rapidly changing world and to set out priorities and objectives accordingly. It provides the guiding framework for a coherent foreign policy for Switzerland for the next four years.
Expenses 2022 (CHF)3.29 bn
Staff (FTEs) 20225,469
General Secretariat GS-FDFASecretary General: Markus Seilerwww.fdfa.admin.ch
State Secretariat StSState Secretary: Alexandre Fasel
Directorate of International Law DILDirector: Corinne Cicéron Bühler
Consular Directorate CDDirector: David Grichting
Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation SDCDirector: Patricia Danziwww.fdfa.admin.ch/sdc
Directorate for Resources DRDirector: Tania Cavassini