Federal Department of Economic Affairs, Education and Research EAER
A PhD student works with the 'iCub' robot at the EPFL where research is conducted into artificial intelligence.
EAER defines framework conditions for the economy and the labour market. It
sets the rules that apply in the private sector and
in agriculture, and represents the interests of the Swiss economy abroad. It is
responsible for organising vocational and professional education and training and
promotes research. The EAER also has the task of making sure that the country
is supplied with essential goods.
Guy Parmelin
Head of the EAER.
Member of the Federal Council since 2016.
President of the Swiss Confederation in 2021.
COVID-19 forces us to take a fresh look at things that previously seemed unshakeable.
Priorities 2021
The EAER concerns itself with education, employment, research and
economic affairs, all of which are closely linked. Sound education and training
ensure that people in Switzerland can find employment that suits them.
Nowadays it is unusual for someone to spend their entire working life in the
same position. So continuing education and training is something that almost
all of us all have to consider sooner or later.
In the course of a person’s career, the EAER is again the point of
contact regarding working conditions and industrial relations. And if someone finds
themselves out of work, unemployment insurance ensures that they have a
financial cushion while seeking a new job.
The federal government sets framework conditions for the Swiss economy
that offer stable conditions for business and encourage innovation. The EAER is
responsible for implementing the government’s economic measures. In today’s digital
age it is particularly important to limit regulation and cut red tape. The best
way to make the economy more competitive is by promoting research and innovation,
thereby opening up markets for our companies at home and abroad. The EAER
naturally ensures the careful use of land and resources in these activities through
the Federal Office for Agriculture.
Expenses 2019 (CHF)
Staff (FTEs) 2019
Organisation chart EAER
General Secretariat GS-EAER
Secretary General: Nathalie Goumaz
State Secretariat for Economic Affairs SECO
State Secretary:
Marie-Gabrielle Ineichen-Fleisch
State Secretariat for Education, Research and
Innovation SERI
State Secretary:
Martina Hirayama
Federal Office for Agriculture FOAG
Director: Christian
Federal Office for National Economic Supply FONES
Delegate: Werner
Federal Office for Housing FOH
Director: Martin
Federal Office for Civilian Service CIVI
Director: Christoph
Autonomous organisations
Office of the Price Supervisor
Price Supervisor:
Stefan Meierhans
Competition Commission COMCO
Director: Patrik
Board of the Federal Institutes of Technology ETH
President of the ETH
Board: Michael O. Hengartner
Swiss Federal Institute for Vocational Education and
Training SFIVET
Director: Barbara
Swiss Innovation Agency Innosuisse
Director: Annalise