The Parliamentary Services
The Parliamentary Services support council
members in fulfilling their duties. They are answerable to Parliament and operate independently of the
Federal Council and the Federal Administration
Support for Parliament
Parliamentary Services serve as Parliament’s own independent staff office,
which works on behalf of both chambers. The Parliamentary Services have a staff
of around 300 (amounting to more than 200 full-time equivalents). Their tasks include organising Council
and committee meetings and handling translations.
The Parliamentary Services
support Parliament in fulfilling its duties. They:
- plan and organise Council sessions and the parliamentary committee
- provide a secretariat and translation services, and take the minutes
of the debates of the Councils and the committees;
- advise council members, in particular the presidents of the Councils
and committees, on substantive issues and matters of procedure;
- inform the public about Parliament and its activities:
- support Parliament in maintaining international relations;
- manage the parliamentary library and provide documentation and IT
services to council members;
- provide an adequate infrastructure and perform many other
parliamentary administration tasks.
Expenses 2019 (CHF)
65 million
Staff (FTEs) 2019
Open Day events for the general public
Every year, around 100,000 people visit the Swiss Parliament. Visitors
can watch Council debates from the galleries during the sessions. Between
sessions, the Parliamentary Services offer guided tours of Parliament. Visitors
can visit the parliament building without prior reservation during the Open Day
events which are organised several times a year. Due to the high demand for
visits during the sessions and guided tours, we recommend you make reservations
as early as possible.
Open Day schedule 2021 (expected)
24 April
26 June
01 August
16 October